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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

But the eagle doesn't give up

And it has got one

Another kind of seabird on Talan
has a particularly effective way

of defending itself against predators

- but it doesn't appear until
an hour before sunset

As if from nowhere, dense swarms of
seabirds suddenly arrive off-shore

They're spent the day feeding far away,
where the sea ice has already broken up

They are crested auklets,
hardly bigger than starlings

A million of them return to Talan each
year to nest in its fields of boulders

For an hour before sunset,
the hillsides comes alive

with huge flocks of circling auklets
They're nervous

No one wants to be the first to land

Auklets are very social when
they are back together at the coast

One of the advantages of nesting
in such densities

may be the chance to share
information on good feeding sites

lt also gives them the
opportunity to court

But perhaps most importantly,
there is safety in numbers

Ravens and peregrines circle above
the scree slope every evening

By taking off together,
the auklets hope to confuse the predators

Eventually their persistence
pays off

The birds that face the
greatest challenge in coming

to the coast to nest are
surely the penguins

Unable to fly, they have no alternative
but to brave the immense waves

Most penguins live in the southern ocean

and they have to accept being
hurled about by the surf

Whatever the weather, the penguin parents
have to come back to feed their chicks

A southern sea lion bull

- he knows the penguins always use
the same traditional landing beach

Having braved the thundering surf,

the penguins have to make a mad dash
across open rock to get to their nests

Despite his massive size and
a body adapted for swimming,


flocks [f'lɒks] n. 短纤维,废毛铁;絮凝物,絮状沉淀 { :5337}

dash [dæʃ] n. 破折号;冲撞 vi. 猛冲;撞击 vt. 使…破灭;猛撞;泼溅 n. (Dash)人名;(英、印)达什;(蒙)达希 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :5634}

sunset [ˈsʌnset] n. 日落,傍晚 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :5739}

boulders [ˈbəʊldəz] n. 卵石( boulder的名词复数 ); 巨砾; (受水或天气侵蚀而成的)巨石; 漂砾 { :6122}

hillsides [ˈhɪlˌsaɪdz] n. (小山的)山坡( hillside的名词复数 ) { :6497}

thundering ['θʌndərɪŋ] adj. 如雷鸣的;非常的;异乎寻常的 adv. 非常,异常 n. 打雷 v. 打雷;发出雷鸣般声响;大声吼叫(thunder的ing形式) { :6539}

crested [ˈkrestɪd] adj. 有羽冠的;有顶饰的;有饰章的 v. 在…上加顶饰(crest的过去分词) n. (Crested)人名;(英)克雷斯蒂德 { :6978}

hurled [hə:ld] vt. 丢下;用力投掷;愤慨地说出 vi. 猛投;猛掷 n. 用力的投掷 { :7001}

chicks [t'ʃɪks] n. 小鸡(chick的复数形式);雏鸡 {ielts :7269}

persistence [pəˈsɪstəns] n. 持续;固执;存留;坚持不懈;毅力 {cet6 toefl gre :7491}

surf [sɜ:f] vi. 作冲浪运动 vt. 在…冲浪 n. 海浪,拍岸浪 n. (Surf)人名;(英)瑟夫 { :7750}

swarms [swɔ:mz] n. 蜂群,一大群( swarm的名词复数 ) v. 密集( swarm的第三人称单数 ); 云集; 成群地移动; 蜜蜂或其他飞行昆虫成群地飞来飞去 { :8983}

Lt [ ] abbr. 书信电报(letter message);数据处理(Language Translation) { :9242}

penguins [ˈpeŋɡwinz] n. [鸟] 企鹅(penguin的复数) { :10209}

penguin [ˈpeŋgwɪn] n. 企鹅;空军地勤人员 { :10209}

ravens ['rævənz] n. 低质煤; 渡鸦( raven的名词复数 ) { :14323}

starlings [ˈstɑ:liŋz] n. 八哥( starling的名词复数 ) { :16242}

peregrines [ ] (peregrine 的复数) a. 流浪的, 移居的, 漫游的, 外国的, 异样的, 异国风味的, 外来的 n. 寄居外国的人 { :16824}

seabird [ˈsi:bɜ:d] n. [鸟] 海鸟(如海鸥,等于seafowl) { :21036}

seabirds [ˈsi:bɜ:dz] n. 海鸟( seabird的名词复数 ) { :21036}

scree [skri:] n. 小石子;岩屑堆;崩落;筛 { :21399}

auklets [ ] (auklet 的复数) n. 小种海雀

talan [ ] n. 敌螨通 [网络] 盈;卓兰镇以前叫打兰

before sunset [ ] [网络] 日落之前;爱在日落巴黎时;爱在日落黄昏时

dash across [ ] vt.匆匆横穿街道,马路等

hurl about [ ] 向四下里猛掷(某物); 没有方向地舞动、挥动(自己的胳膊和腿); 挥霍钱财; 瞎指挥; 对别人滥用自己的权力

mad dash [ ] 狂奔 疯狂涌入

most importantly [ ] [网络] 最为重要的是;最重要的是;最重要地

nest in [ ] vt.在...处做窝,筑巢

nowhere dense [ ] 稀疏的;无处稠密的

swarm of [swɔ:m ɔv] [网络] 大群;一大堆;一群群

to nest [ ] [网络] 营巢;为…筑巢

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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